1년 반의 연구 과정을 보여주는 총체적 설치 작업으로써 독일 쾰른의 대학병원 및 뒤셀도르프의 재료과학연구소와 협업으로 진행하였다. 기술화된 시대에서 인간 의 신체와 영혼은 작가의 주된 관심사이며, 몸과 정신을 소통적 재료로써 바라보고 그것이 가진 잠재성에 주목하고 있다. 예술적 재료로써 기술에 대한 방법론적 탐구와 인간과 인공물에 대한 사유를 표현 하였다.
''I am an Artifact'' is an installation that was developed with the participation of two laboratories. Firstly, my whole body was scanned with magnet resonance imaging (MRI) to obtain digital information of my body in the department of radiology in D?sseldorf Germany. This information was used to create the work with the help of a medical imaging software, a 3D printer, a laser cutter and at least in form of manual sculpting. Secondly, my forefinger was recreated out of a material called ‘Aerogel’ at the institute of materials physics in Cologne Germany. This special material is known as the lightest solid in the world. This work has begun as a theme with the basic assumption that I am an artifact. The meaning of the artifact as something that humans have done and made, enabled me to unplug my body from nature. Another meaning of the artifact, namely, as an error or as an unexpected result in a computer system appeared on the course of the work.