언젠가부터 우리가 올려다보는 하늘과 주변의 공간은 미세먼지로 가득한 세상이 되었다. 우리가 거주하는 이 공간에서 ‘미세먼지’는 더 이상 낯설거나 다른 곳의 이질적인 매개체가 아니다. 그리고 이 현상이 사람들의 일상을 어떻게 바꿔나가고 있는가? 일상에서 자연스럽게 하던 야외에서의 걷기를 멈추던 어느 날, 이 고민을 시작하게 되었다.
Kim Yeonhee, who has been working on capturing daily moments or memories and emotions from specific situations in a life of frequent movement, turned the stories of the life of a wanderer ? which started
in Korea out of the wish to live, and which cannot be carried on without movement ? into her work. “I could not spare time to encounter the landscapes ? the beautiful landscapes that made me feel eaceful ? that I saw scenery in moving car, and had to continue driving as if I was being pressed for on time. I am always thinking I needed a break. Finding myself unable to relax even while resting, I developed a wish to ‘escape from reality.’ There was no specific place where I wanted to go, but I always wanted to escape from things.” It’s been some time since the sky over us and our surroundings became
filled with fine dust. We no longer consider fine dust as something strange or alien to where we live. So how is this phenomenon changing the daily lives of people? I started to think about this question one day when I stopped walking outdoors, which I used to do routinely.